Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

To keep up with the Jones's most likely. I could never be arsed when I was at school but my brother was fashion mad, be it clothes, style or records, although he always vehemently denied it. I dress/look the way I feel comfortable and if others don't like it, sod 'em basically. :)

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

because they have just discovered girls and sex so they think looking good will help them get some

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

geeesh...where do you people come up with these questions??? Must by the immaturity level.

Probably for the same reason that girls are so fussy about hair, makeup, clothes, shoes...etc.... Find a serious question worth asking.

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

becoz they want to impress their girlfriends and look good!

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

because theyre shallow and insecure, beleiveing that smearing the latest goo on their hair will make them a success with the girls, and having a flash hairstyle, they may not notice the spots... acne dandruff and bad teeth.

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

they want to look like girlies

Why are teenager boys so fussy about their hair styles?

Awww bless them....they spend hours getting there hair just right.

Blame gareth gates for the over use of hair gel on our kids today. xx

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